I started my post-doctoral position shortly after receiving my
Ph.D. in Statistics (September 2006)
from the Institute for Statistics
and Decision Sciences (ISDS) (which is
now called the Department of
Statistical Sciences) at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, USA. The title of my dissertation was "Nonparametric Bayesian Models in Expression Proteomic Applications". Advised by Dr. Robert Wolpert and Dr. Merlise Clyde, I developed Levy random field models to obtain interpretable data representations of proteomic data.
Before Duke University, I worked for two years (1999-2001) in the Statistics and Data Analysis Systems Department at the Battelle Memorial Institute of Columbus, Ohio and attended Cornell University (1994-1999) of Ithaca, New York. From Cornell, I received a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Biometry/Statistics and a Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T) in Curriculum Development in 1998 and 1999 respectively.